RTÉ Supporting The Arts partner with Jack and Jill for Incognito 2022

We are so grateful for this partnership, which no doubt will showcase the amazing artistic talent amongst our Incognito community, and will ultimately help support the work of The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.

Keep an eye out across Culture on RTÉ AND RTÉ social channels over the next few weeks for some Incognito magic!

#RTESTA #Incognito2022 #Incognito22 #Art4Care #RTÉSupportingTheArts

To register with Incognito 2022, please create your own account.

For more information on the work of the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation, visit www.jackandjill.ie.

Follow on social media at Facebook @2022Incognito; Instagram @jackandjillcf; Twitter @jackandjillcf; and LinkedIn @Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation and use #Art4Care or #Incognito22

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