Incognito wins Allianz Business to Arts Award for Best Creative Staff Engagement

Here at The Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation, we are delighted to announce that our hashtag#incognito2018 public arts campaign with WILLIAM FRY just won the Allianz Business to Arts Award for Best Creative Staff Engagement.

Incognito consisted of over 1,800 postcard-size works of art were exhibited at the Solomon Gallery last April in Dublin’s Solomon Gallery, for sale for just €50 each. The artists’ names, some very well-known and very collectable, remained incognito until the card was purchased and the artist’s signature was then revealed on the back.

Over €95,000 was raised which provided nearly 6,000 nursing hours to our sick babies. We’d like to give one very big thank you to all the team at William Fry and our exhibition manager Lucinda Hall. #ABtoAAwards

We’re also looking for corporate partners. Next year is our 25th Anniversary, so we are looking to further expand our digital footprint. If you or your company would like to get involved, please contact

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