How Incognito 2022 Works

The collection goes live to view online on Thursday, March 31 right here on

People have three weeks from then until the actual Incognito sale on Thursday, April 21, to browse the art and register for an Incognito account, so that they can include their favourite pieces (by collection number) into a Wish List in advance of the sale.

When the sale goes live, all artworks on Wish Lists are automatically entered into a lottery where the lucky purchaser is selected at random. The remainder of the collection will also be available for purchase on the day. Previous Incognito sales have seen over 3,000 artworks sold out within hours, and nothing guaranteed, so art fans are encouraged to sign up today, to be in with a chance to secure their favourite pieces!

The artist names will be revealed after all the artworks have been sold.

To register with Incognito 2022, please create your own account.

For more information on the work of the Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation, visit

Follow on social media at Facebook @2022Incognito; Instagram @jackandjillcf; Twitter @jackandjillcf; and LinkedIn @Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation and use #Art4Care or #Incognito22

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