Finding the One

One of the lucky buyers from #Incognito20 Part 1 was Tracy Carroll. Tracy is a Jack & Jill Mum to the wonderful Willow. She tells her story of the excitement she felt on sale day and why The Carroll’s new art piece is pride of place in their family home in Co. Meath.

“I burst into tears when confirmed flashed on the screen, I had the sale set to go at 8am and checked continuously until it was 9.50am when I sat anxiously waiting the sale to go live, adrenaline racing through me as I selected our piece.

I had browsed the catalogue several times, not really focusing just making notes of some I liked, at this point it was just about supporting The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation, John, my husband, the quiet silent type but with an artistic eye, fell upon the piece. “Tracy what does this make you think about”, “Willow”, the piece capture the essence of Willow, standing strong, beautiful bright in a dusky setting, her arms crossed, locked.

Incognito art work

Willow has quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy, with can lead to tightness in her limbs, Willows arms would be mostly affected, unable to use them independently. But Willow has defied the odds and is now 3, Willow is a child under the wing of The Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.

When you have a child with complex medical needs your world is chaotic, your life, your families lives in turmoil. When you find yourself part of this very strange new world you are lost, blinded in a fog. When you are trying to scramble your way through and you are part of the amazing Jack and Jill Family you have guides to walk, drag and some days carry you.

The joy of being lucky to buy our piece, means more than a beautiful piece of art, its part of our story, its part of the Jack and Jill legacy, its a symbol of the beautiful life we now share, helped by the love of the amazing nurses and staff and other families in this Atypical family.

Once we received our piece I was able to make contact with the artist, again another emotional moment, her art fitting right in with our world of Fairies and Elves on the path of Willow’s Way.

For those who decide to support and purchase a piece in the second upcoming sale, we thank you and know that you will forever be part of a bigger story, a story of love, strength, of amazing people and a beautiful family.”

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