Art for Everyone

For singer/songwriter Lyra, it’s all about creating and escaping to another world:

“I love to create, whether it’s through songwriting, performing on stage or expressing myself through fashion, style and art; it enables me to escape to and explore a world of my own, where it’s just me, my music and the audience. I am delighted to participate in Incognito, as I got to create unique pieces of art that ultimately, will help Jack and Jill in their mission to help families with vulnerable children and I’m proud to give something back in this way.”

For artist and fashion designer Helen Steele, Incognito is about finding a little piece of treasure:

“Art has always been part of my life. It’s everything to me. I need to paint or do something creative every day and, if I don’t, I feel lost. My work is mood-driven and, as my art always starts with colour, it’s like colour therapy for me. As for Incognito, I think it’s important in a number of ways. Being a mum, having healthy children is the greatest gift in life. That is why I want to do everything that I can to support Jack and Jill’s work with other families who may be facing more challenging circumstances. Incognito is also a way for people who might never buy art to purchase something affordable that they can appreciate. Ultimately, it offers the buyer a little piece of art treasure. A little piece of joy.”

For Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation ambassador and fashion designer, Paul Costelloe, Incognito is a celebration of the richness of artistic talent in Ireland:

“For me, art is about capturing the moment. I use watercolours and love nothing more than to sit on a wall at Seapoint or Bullock Harbour, or on a beach when on holidays, capturing shadows coming over the sea, as the sun goes down. I truly think that the art in Incognito, and the level of quality, is incredible. It is a richness way above the price. I don’t think people appreciate how much talent there is in Ireland when it comes to art. People say the Irish are writers, or poets, or filmmakers, but, in fact, the art world is very rich in Ireland. It needs to be encouraged a lot more. I don’t think people buy nearly enough original paintings or works for their homes. There are too many blank walls. Art brings a lifetime of enjoyment, as well as being a possible investment. You’ve got something for life, something to hand on to your children.”

For TV personality and artist, Don Conroy, Incognito is helping to spread a love for art in homes all over Ireland:

“At the moment my art centres around a Zen Nature theme. It’s all about exploring a sense of mystery in the world around us. That said, I do try to do something a little bit different for Incognito. Don’t want to give the game away too easily! What I love about Incognito is that it introduces art to people who perhaps have never been to an art gallery or even thought about art. Incognito opens up art to a new avenue of exploration, and it is so much more accessible and affordable. People are able to purchase something original, while also supporting Jack and Jill families to stay together at home. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.”

For singer Samantha Mumba, her love of art goes way back to her school days:

“It’s an absolute pleasure to be asked to be involved in Incognito and to support such an incredible cause in the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation. I’ve always loved art and the process of creating. Art was one of the very few classes I actually really, really, enjoyed in school! Nowadays I definitely love doing it with my daughter for fun. I find it’s very relaxing as well.”

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